AWS Firecracker Declassified

Brand identity design for a transformational open source technology and community tool


21,100+ stars on Github

Top trending GitHub repo

Trending on Twitter

Launched at AWS re:Invent Keynote


Pioneer Principles

Amazon Web Services (AWS), a leader in cloud computing, was releasing yet another innovative product. The company developed a high-performance, open-sourced system for modern internet engineering. L+R assisted the product marketing team to create a brand identity and position the product for a marquee launch.


Technology-Enabled Design

The L+R team understood the core benefits of the AWS product, which involved virtualization technology designed for serverless computing. The technology being open source would bring innovative tools to the fingertips of any interested user. L+R incorporated the potentially far-reaching impact of this technology into its brand development strategy.


Welcomed With Open (sourced) Arms

AWS executives announced the technology at the Main Stage of re:Invent, drawing interest and enthusiasm from the development community. As a result, the project trended through GitHub’s 28 million users and 57 million repositories as one of AWS's most successful product launches of the year. As of March 2023, the project has over 21,000 stars on its GitHub repository.